


USNCO美国国家化学奥赛难度介于中学化学和大学化学之间,知识点全面,且以无机化学为主。相比AP化学,USNCO在分子轨道,酸碱平衡,能斯特方程当方面难度加大,对于AP化学中的有机,生化弱项,USNCO亦有要求,总体无机部分占比90%左右,其余为有机和生化部分。此次USNCO课程不仅仅针对USNCO首轮,我们会增加有机内容,对美高学员有额外帮助(美高学员可以晋级第二轮USNCO National),除了冲击奖项外,同样适合AP,IB,Alevel课程学员的学科考试。


USNCO美国化学学会 (ACS) 主办,是美国极具影响力的高中化学竞赛





General chemistry 普通化学

Matter,enegy and quantities; Electromagnetic wave

1. Law of conversion of mass

2. Atoms

3. Pure substance & mixture

4. Properties

5. Four fundamental interactions

6. Law of conversion of energy

7. Kinetic energy & heat

8. Potential energy

9. Coulomb's Law

10. Electrostatic force & potential

11. Electromagnetic wave & photon

Atomic structure, nuclear chemistry & mole

1. Subatomic particles

2. Isotope

3. Element

4. Mole calculation

5. Nuclear decay

Electronic structure , periodic table arrangement & magnetism

1. Bohr model

2. Quantum mechanical model

3. Electron orbital

4. Electron configuration

5. Periodic table arrangement

6. Magnetism

7. Quantum number


1. Effective nuclear charge 

2. Atomic radius

3. Ionic radius

4. Ionisation energy

5. Electron affinity

6. Electron negativity

Chemical bond & properties

1. Metallic bond

2. Ionic bond

3. Covalent bond

Crystal structure: unit cell

1. Unit cell

2. Particle number in unit cell

3. Particle distance in unit cell

4. Density of unit cell

Crystal structure: coordination & packing

1. Solving crystal questions

2. Crystal coordination number

3. Packing efficiency

4. Close packing

Covalent bond advanced

1. Valency

2. Coordinate bond

3. Formal charge

4. Calculating bond number

5. Exception of octet rule

6. Lewis structure of complex compound

Molecular geometry, polarity & coordination

1. Electron domain

2. VSEPR theory

3. Electron domain geometry

4. Molecular geometry

5. Molecular polarity

Hybridisation, bond theory & coordination

1. Hybridisation

2. Bond theory

3. Resonance

4. Conjugated system

5. Coordination compound

Liquid, solution& intermolecular force

1. Liquid state

2. London dispersion force

3. Dipole-dipole force

4. Hydrogen bond

5. Ion-dipole interaction

6. Solution

7. Concentration

Gas & kinetic molecular theory

1. Pressure

2. Ideal gas vs real gas

3. Ideal gas law

4. Kinetic molecular theory

5. Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution

6. Deviation from ideal gass

Physical chemistry 物理化学

Kinetics 1: rate law & collision theory

1. Factors affecting reaction rate

2. Average rate

3. Differential rate

4. Collision theory

5. Simple stoichiometry

6. Rate law

7. Determining rate law

Kinetics 2: Reaction mechanism & integrated rate law 

1. Reaction mechanism

2. Pre-equilibrium assumption

3. Steady state approximation

4. Integrated rate law

5. Half-life

6. Determining rate law advanced

Kinetics 3: Arrhenius equation & solving kinetics question

1.Arrhenius equation

2. Solving Kinetics question

Equilibrium & stoichiometry

1. Reversible reaction

2. Equilibrium

3. Equilibrium constant

4. Reaction quotient

5. Le Chatelier's Principle

6. Stoichiometry advanced

Acid & base

1. Arrhenius acid/base 

2. Bronsted-lowry acid/base 

3. Lewis acid/base 

4 . pH & pOH

5. Conjugate acid/base 

6. Acid/base strength

7. Ka & Kb

Equilibrium advanced

1. Polyprotic acid

2. Buffer

3. Strong acid/base titration

4. Weak acid/base titration

5. Ksp

6. Ionic reaction

Enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy

1. Spontaneity

2. Enthalpy 

3. Determining ΔH

4. Entropy & probability

5. Determining ΔS

6. Gibbs free energy 

7. Determining ΔG & spontaneity


1. redox reaction

2. oxidation number

3. electrode potential

4. galvanic cell

5. electrolytic cell

6. electroplating

Thermodynamics advanced: K, Ecell & ΔG

1. equilibrium constant & ΔG

2. cell potential & ΔG

3. Nernst equation

Organic chemistry 有机化学

Organic 1: Hydrocarbon & representation

1. Organic introduction

2. Hydrocarbon

3. Homologous series

4. Isomer introduction

5. Double bond equivalence (DBE)

6. Structure representation

Organic 2: Functional group & reaction

1. Functional group with O, N, S

3. Addition

4. Elimination

5. Substitution

6. Rearrangement

7. Condensation & hydrolysis

8. Oxidation & reduction

Organic 3: Isomerism & nomenclature

1. Constitutional isomer

2. Stereoisomer

3. Conformer

4. IUPAC nomenclature


1. Amino acid, peptide & protein

2. Carbohydrates

3. Photosysthesis & respiration

4. Triglyceride

5. DNA